2012年7月3日 星期二
Canada Day—Oh Canada!
今年的Canada Day (Jul. 01),是Canada的145個生日,White Rock海邊照例有盛大的慶祝活動。
退潮的White Rock Pier下的沙灘,有人寫下好大的「OH CANADA!」來慶祝!
Survival tips for the next generation to get started in life--by Stephen Hume
偶然在Vancouver Sun的首頁發現一篇文章,是專欄作家Stephen Hume所寫的”Survival tips for the next generation to get started in life”。
內容是Stephen首次離開父母到外地工作前,後母告訴他的生存之道(advised on survival tactics)。
Top of the list for useful tips was her ironclad rule for bank accounts. There’s only one — more money comes in than goes out, no matter what. (銀行戶頭,要進大於出)
Pay yourself first. Always divert a small fixed amount right off the top of every paycheque into a savings account and forget you ever had it. It’s there for that day of disaster you never foresaw. (每月定額存款,以備不時之需)
Credit cards are convenient, but the rates are not. (不要有卡債)
Don’t mistake what you want for what you need. There’s a vast industry out there dedicated to persuading you to want what you don’t need and to need what you don’t want. (瞭解真正的”需要”是什麼)
Used is useful. Today’s fashion is tomorrow’s trash for some with disposable income. the difference in performance between last year’s laptop and next month’s model is almost imperceptible; why pay a premium for what you won’t notice? (不要過度追求流行)
Friends are made, not born. You have to make an effort to find them and when you do, you have to invest in nurturing the friendship — which, please remember, is not all about you, but about them. (多結交朋友)
Single House出租資訊—South Surrey及White Rock地區
房屋出租,South Surrey,White Rock
Single House出租
座落於17 Ave. Surrey
聯絡電話:604-288-4667 邱小姐
毓棻 溫哥華遊學記事-06/29—Spanish Bank、UBC
06/28晚上,在YVR接到毓棻後,就驅車回到White Rock的家;在此,她度過了在Canada的第一個夜。
06/29午後,送毓棻到Western Town College做學前測驗,並拜訪在Elliot St.的Homestay家。
晚餐後,再帶毓棻到Spanish Bank及UBC校園做一小時的Tour。
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